Picture this – a group of individuals meets each week to discuss the global economy, personal finance and investment strategy. No, it’s not a corporate finance team at Goldman Sachs, but rather a group of our 7th-8th grade students every Wednesday during Middle School Club Hour. Led by Rabbi Simon Basalely as their faculty advisor, our students participate in the SIFMA Stock Market Game, which is an online simulation of the global markets aimed at teaching students about financial responsibility and capability. Our Eighth grade team placed 10th out of 177 teams in our region and our Seventh grade team placed in the top quarter of our region. Teaching students fiscal responsibility and to be capable in their own personal finances are skills that help them throughout life. The Personal Finance Club is a great manifestation of our Club Hour program’s goal of supplementing our curriculum in ways that speak directly to our students’ unique interests and skills, and we’re proud of the success of our two teams.
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