
The overall goal of the Mathematics Department is to develop students’ abilities to think quickly and analytically. The skills to take in information, process it, and prepare an intelligent response applicable in all life situations are enhanced through the study of mathematics. Not all mathematics students go on to become engineers or physicists, but all students will grow up to encounter situations in which the ability to think on their feet makes the difference between success and failure.

We have a very strong program in the fundamentals of mathematics. Word problems are used throughout the curriculum to enhance the students’ abilities to apply mathematical concepts to real world situations. Modern technologies including graphing calculators, Promethean boards, and many of their features are used to allow for multiple presentations of material.  Students are encouraged to build on their arithmetic abilities and develop the attitude that there is an advantage to having a strong math background.

Students are encouraged to immerse themselves in co-curricular mathematics activities which involve exploration of concepts beyond the normal scope of the curriculum. These include but are not limited to participation in the Nassau County Interscholastic Math League, and the Long Island Math Fair.

Class lessons are student driven. Teachers are constantly refining their presentations based on student feedback. Lessons may involve lecture, question and answer, demonstration by both teacher and student, and frequent assessment.  Regular homework is a feature of every class. It is an important part of the learning process.  Homework is collected after a thorough review, so that students have every opportunity to learn from their mistakes and correct their work. We assess the achievement of the students by exams, projects, quizzes, homework, and classwork.

We aim to prepare students fully for the experiences they will have in college mathematics courses because we recognize that many of the professional fields our students will eventually pursue are math driven.

Course Descriptions
